- Recording Agreements
- Publishing Agreements
- Producer Agreements
- Actor/Actress Agreements
- Director Agreements
- Writer Agreements
- Fitness Video Agreements
- Distribution Agreements
- Book Author Agreements
- Video Game Agreements
- Vertical Integration Issues
- Lawsuit Reserve/Holdback Issues
Recent Achievements:
- Obtained Order vacating 10 year old judgment on behalf of U.K. film producer, and ultimate dismissal of action for net profits and fraud by director of “The Lawnmower Man.”
- Successfully represented Earth, Wind & Fire in claim against record label for continuing to exploit albums after term of agreement expired, and for failing to account to band.
- Successfully represented members of New Found Glory band in claim against record label for failure to account and pay royalties.
- Successfully represented film/television trailer producer against television network for fees owed.
- Successfully represented film trailer producer against film production company for fees owed.
- Successfully represented producers of longstanding television show against Fox Television in connection with net profit claims relating to vertical integration.
- Obtained dismissal on behalf of Earth, Wind & Fire of Ohio action for royalties pursuant to various contracts relating to the publication and sale of certain recordings, public performances, and sheet music.
- Successfully represented Poison band against its publishing company and record label for over-withholding of royalties as security for copyright infringement action.
- Obtained judgment on behalf of Academy Award winning actor after bench trial against German producer for failure to pay actor for work in musical.